Arguably, the future in rejuvenating the face and neck will pass through the threads, without going through the operating room, with simple local anesthesia.
Over time it is normal for the skin to age, lose its elasticity, and become flaccid, but anyone who does not want to feel these aging effects so much can count on our Tensile Yarn treatment. Many men have already adhered to this treatment with Tension Yarns that are now made of an absorbable material (Polidexanona and Ac. Polilactico).
The threads serve to sustain the face, acting against the law of gravity, as main characteristic spikes that hold the skin, and in a subtle and natural way. So, being eliminated naturally, we have the security to avoid any type of adverse reaction over the years. The old threads broke and sometimes came to the surface of the skin. In this new generation of Yarns, very thin, within a maximum period of two years, they are eliminated by the body but promise an effect that remains, as the skin is restructured in this new position.
The process is different from that known as a facelift, plastic surgery in which the skin is detached, cut, pulled up, and sewn elsewhere. Less painful, this process requires a two-day recovery, in which the skin will still look tight, and another week of observation. The result lasts two years.
The traction movements on the skin provide a stretching effect without the need to perform surgical procedures; therefore, the pros are categorized as follows:
- Defines the contours of the face and neck
- Rejuvenates the skin, as its action involves the stimulation of collagen
- The procedure is quick, takes around 45 minutes and does not require hospitalization
- The lifting effect is immediate
- Improves facial sagging
Tension wires are the quickest way to have immediate results in rejuvenation. The incisions are small, and the good thing is that the results look very natural.
The cons of the tension wires can be:
- Lower durability for some people, so the wires must be implanted again when the lifting effect ends
- The tension wires do not show good results in cases of moderate and intense flaccidity, in this case, surgery is indicated
- The results are subtle; in some cases, very imperceptible, so each skin and face must be well evaluated by the surgeon. That is, it is not a method that fits all
- Skin infections can occur.
The truth is that tension wires can be very advantageous in some cases and for some people, so it is essential always to perform this type of procedure with our specialist. The professional will know how to indicate the best treatment to stimulate collagen and rejuvenate according to the patient’s skin, age, and genetics.